台词剧本 1-17青蛙 小虫和蝴蝶

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摘要:This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第17话

17. Frogs and Worms and Butterflies 青蛙 小虫和蝴蝶

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Frogs and Worms and Butterflies 青蛙 小虫和蝴蝶

Grandpa, why do butterflies like flowers?

Narrator: Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig in his Garden. 佩奇和乔治在花园里帮猪爷爷干活。


Peppa: Wow. 哇。

Narrator: What a beautiful butterfly. 真是一只漂亮的蝴蝶。

Peppa: Grandpa, why do butterflies like flowers? 爷爷,为什么蝴蝶会喜欢花朵呢?

Grandpa Pig: They get their food from flowers. 他们可以从花朵里面获取食物。

Peppa: How? 怎么做?

Grandpa Pig: They have very long tongues[tʌŋz]. 蝴蝶有一根非常长的口器。

Peppa: Longer than mine? 比我的舌头还长吗?

Grandpa Pig: Oh, yes, the butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours. 哦,是的。蝴蝶的口器可比你的舌头长多了。

She uses it to drink from the flower. 它用口器来吸食花朵中的花蜜。

Peppa: Wow! 哇!


Grandpa Pig: Peppa, the butterfly thinks you're a flower. 佩奇,蝴蝶以为你是一朵花。

Peppa: I'm not a flower! I'm Peppa Pig! 我不是花朵!我是佩奇小猪!

She is so pretty. 她真的好漂亮。

I want to be a butterfly. 我想做一只蝴蝶。

Narrator: Peppa is playing at being a butterfly. 佩奇假装自己是一只蝴蝶。

[play at假装…的游戏]

Peppa: I'm a little butterfly. 我是一只小蝴蝶。

Narrator: George wants to play, too. 乔治也想要玩。

Peppa: George! I'm the butterfly! 乔治,我才是蝴蝶呢。

You have to be something else. 你去假扮别的东西吧。

I know! 有了,

You can be a wriggly worm! 你可以做一条小虫。【wriggly 蠕动的;worm蠕虫 幼虫】

Look! Look! I'm a butterfly. 快看 我是一只蝴蝶。

Narrator: Oh, dear! George does not want to be a worm. 哦,糟糕。乔治不想要做一条小虫。

He wants to be a butterfly. 他也想要做蝴蝶。

Grandpa Pig: George, when I was a little piggy, I used to like playing at being a worm. 乔治,当我还是只小猪的时候,我就特别喜欢假扮成一条小虫。

It's very easy to be a worm. 做小虫很简单的。

I'II show you how. 我来教你怎么做。

First, you have to lie down on the ground. 首先,你要像这样趴下 趴在地上。

Then, you wriggle around. 然后,你要全身摆动起来。


Haha, I'm a wriggly worm! 我是一条小虫。

Narrator: George and Grandpa Pig are having such fun being wriggly worms. 乔治和猪爷爷假扮成小虫玩得非常开心。

Peppa: I'm a little butterfly. I'm a little butterfly. 我是一只小蝴蝶。我是一只小蝴蝶。

Look! Grandpa. I'm a little butterfly. 看看,爷爷,我是一只蝴蝶。

Grandpa Pig: Yes, Peppa, you're a beautiful butterfly. 是的佩奇,你是一只美丽的蝴蝶。

Peppa: Grandpa! George! What are you doing? 爷爷 乔治 你们在干什么?

Grandpa Pig: We are wriggly worms. 我们是两条小虫。

Peppa: I want to be a wriggly worm, too! 我也想假扮成一条小虫。

I'm a wriggly worm! 我是一条小虫。

Grandpa Pig: I'm a wriggly worm! 我是一条小虫。


I'm a wriggly worm! 我是一条小虫。

How do you do? 你好吗?

I love you! 我爱你。

I'm a wriggly worm. 我是一条小虫。

Grandpa Pig: That was fun. 实在太有意思了。

What animal do you want to be now? 你们现在还想假扮什么动物?

Peppa: Hmmm! I don't know. 嗯,我不知道。

Look, Grandpa! There's a little frog! 爷爷,你看这儿有只青蛙。

Grandpa Pig: Why don't you play at being frogs? 你们为什么不假扮成一只青蛙?

Peppa: Hmmm, frogs are not as pretty as butterflies or as wriggly as worms. 嗯,可是青蛙没有蝴蝶那么漂亮,也不能像小虫那样扭动。

Grandpa Pig: But frogs do play a game you like. 但是青蛙会玩你喜欢的游戏。

Peppa: Hmmm, do frogs play dolls' houses? 青蛙会玩儿玩偶之家吗?

Grandpa Pig: Silly Peppa. What's your favorite game? 可爱的佩奇,你最喜欢的游戏是什么?

Peppa: Jumping in muddy puddles! 就是在泥坑里面跳。

Grandpa Pig: Yes, Frogs love jumping in muddy puddles. 是的,青蛙也喜欢在泥坑里面跳。

Peppa: Yes, George! Let's play frogs. 是的乔治, 我们来假扮青蛙吧。

I'm a little froggy! 我是一只小青蛙。

Narrator: The froggies have found a nice big muddy puddle to play in. 青蛙们找到了一个大泥坑来玩。

Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. 大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Peppa: Butterflies and worms are very nice! 蝴蝶和小虫都非常好。

But I like frogs the best! 但是我最喜欢青蛙。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第17集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

They have very long tongues[tʌŋz]. Longer than mine?

Oh, yes, the butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours.


在这一集出现了好几次play at being...的搭配用法,所以今天跟大家分享这个万能单词:play。这个词在小猪佩奇中总计出现了接近400次,可谓是高频中的高频。但这个词又可以通过各种搭配组合展现不同的意思,所以通过这个简单的单词我们就可以随意组合成几十句地道的英文。




play a game玩游戏

Play doctors and nurses玩医生和护士的游戏

Play the computer game玩电脑游戏

Play “Shops”玩小卖部游戏




Play your violin拉小提琴

Play the accordion拉手风琴

Play my drum打鼓

Play the horn吹小号

3. 参加体育运动


Play tennis打网球

Play football足球

4. 玩…玩具

用法:play with sth.

比如“玩球”必须用play with ball,而不能是play ball.

Play with your own toys玩你自己的玩具

Play with dinosaurs玩恐龙玩具

Play with my doll’s house玩娃娃屋

5. 跟…一起玩

用法:play with sb. 或者 play on sb's own

Play on their own他们自己玩

Play with Peppa和佩奇一起玩

Play with the big children和大孩子一起玩

Play together一起玩

6. 在…地方玩


Play outside在外面玩

Play at home在家里玩

Play somewhere else到其他地方玩

Play in the snow在雪地里玩

7. 在游戏中假扮…角色

用法:play at (being) sth.

Play at being frogs假扮成青蛙

Play at being a butterfly假扮成蝴蝶

Play at being a worm假扮成虫子

8. 玩…游乐设施

用法:play on+the+游乐设施名称

Play on the swing玩荡秋千

Play on the climbing frame玩攀爬架

Play on the slide玩滑梯

I know! You can be a wriggly worm!

First, you have to lie down on the ground. Then, you wriggle around.



例句:Even a worm will turn.就是虫子也会反抗(狗急跳墙)。


例句:The butterfly is a kind of water sport.蝶式游泳是一种水上运动。


例句:That man has a double tongue.那人说话不老实。


例句:A little bird is content with a little nest.小鸟满足于小巢。


例句:Children wriggle themselves when they are bored.小孩子感到厌烦时就会扭动他们的身体。



例句:His hat and gloves were lying on the table.他的帽子和手套就在桌子上。


例句:Their ship was grounded.他们的船搁浅了。


例句:Our maths classes are pretty deadly.我们的数学课非常枯燥。

10.favourite: 特别喜爱的

例句:Music shows are my favourite.音乐节目是我喜欢的。


例句:I fairly jumped for joy.我简直高兴得跳了起来。


例句:He's a nice quiet man.他是一个温和友善的人。

Hmmm, frogs are not as pretty as butterflies or as wriggly as worms.

The froggies have found a nice big muddy puddle to play in.

-The End-

