台词剧本 1-43 Tidying Up 整理房间

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摘要:This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第43话

43. Tidying Up 整理房间

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Tidying Up 整理房间

what is that? It looks like a horrible monster!

Dine-saw! Arrrgh! It's a dinosaur! Help! Help!

Narrator: Peppa and George are in their bedroom playing with their toys. 佩奇和乔治在卧室里玩玩具。

Peppa: George, let's play dollies and dinosaurs. 乔治,我们来玩玩偶和恐龙吧。

George: Grrrr... 厄...

Peppa: what is that? It looks likea horrible monster! 这是什么声音呀,听上去像一头恐怖的怪兽!

George: Dine-saw! Grrr… 恐龙!厄…

Peppa: Arrrgh! It's a dinosaur! Help! Help! 啊!是一头恐龙!救命!救命!

George: Raarrr!

Peppa: Raarrr! Arrrgh! Help! Help! 啊!救命!救命!

George: Raarrr! Raarrr!

Narrator: Daddy Pig is in the sitting room, reading his newspaper. 猪爸爸在客厅里面看报纸。

Mummy Pig is reading her book. 猪妈妈在看书。

George: Raarrr! Raarrr!

Peppa: Arrrgh! Help! Help! 啊!救命啊!

Daddy Pig: What are they doing? 他们俩个人在干什么?


George: Grrr… Grrr…

Daddy Pig: Peppa, George, what's going on? 佩奇,乔治,发生什么事了?

George: Raaaaa... Raaaaa…

Peppa: Arrgh... 啊...

Daddy Pig: What's all this noise? 这是什么声音啊?


Daddy Pig: Wooooah! Heeelp! Wooooah! 哇哦-!救-命!

Mummy Pig: What on earth is going on? What a lot of noise! 到底发生什么事情了?什么太吵了?

And look at all this mess on the floor! Someone could trip over and hurt themselves. 看看地上这一堆?一不小心就会被绊倒的。

Daddy Pig: Someone did trip over and hurt themselves! 确实有人被绊倒,受伤了呢!

Mummy Pig: Oh, dear! Poor Daddy Pig. 哦,糟糕!可怜的猪爸爸。

Come on, children, let's do a bit of tidying up. 来吧,孩子们,我们来整理一下房间。

Peppa: But Mummy, we're playing dollies and dinosaurs. 但是妈妈,我们现在在玩玩偶和恐龙呢。

Mummy Pig: You can play again when you've tidied up. 整理干净后可以再玩。

Peppa: But it's all George's mess. 但是这些都是乔治弄乱的呀。

Daddy Pig: Is it really? 是这样吗?

So, this must be one of George's lovely dresses? 那这条肯定是乔治的漂亮裙子咯?

George: No. 不是。

Peppa: Well, maybe some of the messes is mine. 好吧,可能有一些是我弄乱的。

Daddy Pig: Right! I'll help George tidy, and Mummy Pig can help Peppa. 好了!我来帮乔治整理, 而妈妈帮佩奇整理。

Peppa: We can have a race. Girls against boys! 我们来个比赛吧。女生队和男生队。

Daddy Pig: Good idea! Let's see who can tidy up first. 是个好主意!让我们来看看谁先完成。

Ready, steady, go! 好了,准备,开始!


We're winning! 呵呵呵,我们要赢了!

Peppa: No, you're not! 你们是赢不了的!


Peppa: There! Oh! what's this? Teddy! I've been looking for you. 好了。哦!这是什么?是泰迪!我到处在找你呢。

Mummy Pig: Quick, Peppa! Put Teddy in your toy basket. 快点,佩奇!我们把泰迪放进你的框子里去。

Peppa: There! Now these books. 好啦!现在该整理书了。


Peppa: Lovely! 这样就好了!

Daddy Pig: What do we have here? 瞧瞧我找到了什么?

George: Dine-saw! 恐龙!

Daddy Pig: That's right! It's a dinosaur book. 没错!是一本恐龙故事书。

Narrator: It's George's pop-up dinosaur book. 这本是乔治的立体恐龙书。


Daddy Pig: Oh! 哦!

This is a tyrannosaurus rex[tɪˌrænə'sɔrəs reks]. 这个是一头霸王龙,知道吗?

George: Tyrannosaurus rex. 霸王龙。好棒!

Daddy Pig: That's right! 说得对!

Oh! This is a brontosaurus[ˌbrɑːntəˈsɔːrəs]. 哦~这头恐龙叫雷龙。

George: Brontosaurus. 这是雷龙。

Daddy Pig: Yes. And this is a triceratops [traɪˈserətɒps]. 对没错。还有这头,它的名字叫三角龙。

George: Try-cy-tops. 这是三角龙。

Daddy Pig: Well done, George. 念得好,乔治。

Narrator: George loves dinosaurs. 乔治最喜欢恐龙了。

Peppa: Daddy, George, you've stopped tidying up? 爸爸,乔治,你们怎么不整理了呀?

You'll lose the race! 比赛你们要输咯!

Daddy Pig: Oh, yes, the race! 哦是的,还有比赛!

Come on, George, put this back on the bookshelf. 快点乔治,把书放回书架上。

Peppa: Daddy, you're very slow at tidying up. 爸爸,你们整理得实在是太慢了。

Mummy and I are going to win. 妈妈和我要赢了。

Daddy Pig: No! we're going to win! 不会的!我们要赢了!

We win! 我们赢了!

Peppa: No! We win! 不!是我们赢了!

Mummy Pig: We all win. Look how tidy the room is. 我们都赢了, 看看房间现在有多干净!

All: Hurray! 好棒!

Narrator: What a tidy room! 房间很整洁!

Daddy Pig: Well done, everyone. 大家做得不错.

Peppa: Mummy, now that we've tidied our room, can we play dollies and dinosaurs again? 妈妈,现在我们把房间整理干净了,是不是可以继续玩玩偶和恐龙了?

Mummy Pig: Yes, you can carry on with your game now. 是的,你们现在可以继续玩游戏了。

Peppa: Yippee! 太棒了!

Where are my dolls? Where is Mr. Dinosaur? 我的玩偶呢?你的恐龙先生呢?


Peppa: Here they are! 在这呢!

George: Grrr! Dine-saw! 厄! 恐龙!

Peppa: Arrgh! It's a dinosaur! 啊!恐龙来了!

Help! Help! 救命!救命!

Narrator: Oh, dear, the room is untidy again. 哦,糟糕, 房间又乱了!

Peppa: Oh~ 哦~

George: Oh~ 哦~

Daddy Pig: Well, at least it was tidy for a bit. 好吧,至少干净了那么一小会。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第43集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

Help! Help!


Wooooah! Heeelp! Wooooah!

What a lot of noise! And look at all this mess on the floor!

Come on, children, let's do a bit of tidying up.


1. Trip over

猪妈妈看见房子乱糟糟的,于是说,Someone could trip over and hurt themselves. 有人会绊倒受伤的。

Trip over 被…绊倒

后面有一集中兔子小姐被绊倒了,英文就是Miss rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys. 兔子小姐被理查德的玩具给绊倒了。


Put all your toys away. Or someone could trip over.把玩具收好,不然有人会绊倒的。

2.Tidy up

猪妈妈说Let’s do a bit of tidying up. 我们来收拾收拾。

Tidy up 整理房间。

Tidy up和我们之前见到的clean up收拾干净,稍微有一点不同。Tidy up就是简单的收拾整齐,clean up类似于大扫除,把脏东西弄干净。


Let’s tidy up.我们来收拾房间吧。


佩奇不想收拾房间,于是说But it’s all George’s mess. 但这些乱七八糟的东西都是乔治的。


在第一集动画片中就有这么一句,Look at the mess you’re in. 瞧你俩这脏兮兮的样子。


Go and tidy up the mess in your room.去把你房间里乱七八糟的东西收拾干净。

4.Put this back on the bookshelf.

猪爸爸跟乔治一起看了恐龙书,然后说,Come on, George, put this back on the bookshelf. 乔治,快去把书放回到书架上。

Put sth. back 把东西放回去。


Put this back on the bookshelf.把它放回到书架上。

Put this back in the bookcase.把它放回到书柜里。


Put the milkback in the fridge.把牛奶放回冰箱里去。

5.Slow at

佩奇收拾东西很快,于是她说猪爸爸,You’re very slow at tidying up. 你收东西收得真慢。

Slow at doing sth. 做什么事情很慢。

6.Carry on

佩奇想继续玩娃娃和恐龙的游戏,问猪妈妈可不可以,猪妈妈说You can carry on with your game now. 你现在可以继续玩游戏了。

Carry on with 继续做什么事情。


Let’s carry on with your English course now.现在我们来继续上英语课吧。

We can have a race. Girls against boys!

Good idea! Let's see who can tidy up first. Ready, steady, go!

Quick, Peppa! Put Teddy in your toy basket.

This is a brontosaurus.

Daddy, George, you've stopped tidying up? You'll lose the race!


1、dolly[ˈdɒli] n. (儿语)娃娃,洋娃娃;

例:Hey, jack, where did we get this dolly from? 杰克,这个娃娃从哪来的?

2、horrible[ˈhɔːrəbl] adj. 令人恐惧的,可怕的,恐怖的,骇人听闻的;


例:horrible weather糟透了的天气;a horrible man讨厌的人;a horrible crime骇人听闻的罪行; a horrible nightmare可怕的噩梦

The coffee tasted horrible. 这种咖啡难喝极了。

3、monster[ˈmɑːnstər] n. 怪物; 恶魔; 庞然大物; (传说中的)怪兽;

例:He drew a monster and coloured it green. 他画了一个怪物,把它涂成绿色。

4、tidy [ˈtaɪdi] adj. 整齐的;整洁的;可观的;井然有序的; 井井有条的;高额的

例:a tidy desk整洁的书桌;tidy habits爱整齐的习惯;a tidy profit可观的利润。

v. 整理;使整洁;使有条理

例:I spent all morning cleaning and tidying. 我用了整个上午的时间清扫整理。

untidy[ʌnˈtaɪdi] adj. 不整洁的; 凌乱的; 不整齐的; 无条理的; 不修边幅的;

例:an untidy desk凌乱的办公桌; untidy hair蓬乱的头发

5、race [reɪs] n. 比赛,竞争, 赛跑;速度竞赛

例:Who won the race? 谁赢了赛跑?

a five-kilometre race五公里赛跑

6、pop up [ˈpɒp ʌp] adj. 有立体活动图的; 有弹出功能的;能迅速显示的

例:a pop-up birthday card立体生日卡;a pop-up menu 弹出式菜单

7、tyrannosaurus rex[tɪˌrænə'sɔrəs reks] n.霸王龙

8、brontosaurus[ˌbrɑːntəˈsɔːrəs] n. 雷龙

9、triceratops[traɪˈserətɒps] n. 三角龙

10、lose the race 输掉比赛

11、Put back 放回原处

例:Put back the books you are not using on the shelves. 把用不着的书放回书架。

Put it back in its place when you've finished with it. 用毕放回原处。

Put it back in the freezer 把它放回冰箱。

Oh, yes, the race! Come on, George, put this back on the bookshelf.

Daddy, you're very slow at tidying up.

No! We win!

We all win. Look how tidy the room is.

-The End-

