台词剧本 1-36The Sleepy Princess沉睡公主

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摘要:Narrator:It is night time. Peppa and George are going to bed. 已经是晚上啦,佩奇和乔治准备睡觉了。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第36话

36.The Sleepy Princess 沉睡公主

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

The Sleepy Princess 沉睡公主

I am not sleepy. Can I have a story?

Narrator: It is night time. Peppa and George are going to bed. 已经是晚上啦,佩奇和乔治准备睡觉了。

Mummy Pig: Goodnight,Peppa and George。 晚安啦,佩奇和乔治。

Peppa: Mummy, Daddy? 妈妈 爸爸?

Mummy Pig: Yes, Peppa? 什么事?佩奇。

Peppa: I am not sleepy. Can I have a story? 我现在还不想睡,能给我讲故事吗?

Daddy Pig: But maybe George is sleepy and doesn't want a story. 但乔治很可能困了,不想听故事了。

Peppa: George,do you want a story? Say “yes”!! 乔治,你想听个故事吗?快说,想听!

Daddy Pig: Alright! I will tell you just one story! 那好吧,那么我就给你们讲一个故事好了。

Mummy Pig: If Daddy Pig tells you a story, you must both promise to go to sleep. 等爸爸讲完了故事之后,你们是不是就答应去睡觉了。

[promise to do sth. 承诺/答应去做某事]

Peppa: We promise! 我答应你们。


Daddy Pig: Hmmm…嗯

I think I'll tell you the story of “The Sleepy Princess”. 那我就给你们讲一个,关于沉睡公主的故事吧。

Peppa: Is it a good story? It sounds a bit boring. 这是个精彩的故事吗?听上去有一些无聊。

Daddy Pig: It's not boring! It's very good! 你不会无聊的,这是个很棒的故事。

Peppa: Is there a little princess in it? 这个故事里会有小公主吗?

Mummy Pig: Peppa, if you keep talking, Daddy Pig can't start the story! 佩奇,如果你一直说,爸爸的故事就没法开始了。

Peppa: Sorry, Mummy! 对不起妈妈。

Is there a little princess in the story, Daddy? 所以这个故事里有一个小公主是吗?爸爸。

Daddy Pig: Yes. there is a little princess in it. 是的,故事里有一个小公主。

Hmmm... “The Sleepy Princess”. 嗯,沉睡公主的故事。

Once upon a time,in a castle, there lived a little princess. 很久很久以前,有座城堡,里面住着一位公主。 [castle[ˈkɑːsl] n. 城堡]

And she was called the Sleepy Princess. 大家叫她沉睡公主。

Peppa: Daddy,why was she called that? 爸爸,为什么叫那个名字?

Daddy Pig: I'll get to that later. 我稍后会解释。

Peppa: Was the Sleepy Princess pretty? 那位沉睡公主长得漂亮吗?

Daddy Pig: Yes, she was very pretty! 是的,她非常漂亮。

She loved looking at herself in the mirror. 她喜欢在镜子里看自己的样子。

Sleepy Princess: I am so pretty! 我真是太漂亮了。

Peppa: Who else was living in the castle? 还有谁住在城堡里呢?

Daddy Pig: Er. Well,额…还有,

Mummy Pig: The others in the castle were the small Prince, Queen Mummy and King Daddy! 住在城堡里的其他人是小王子,王后妈妈,还有国王爸爸。

Daddy Pig: That's right! 说得没错。

They were all living there as well. 他们都住在城堡里。

Peppa: Did King Daddy have a big tummy? 国王爸爸的肚子很大吗?

Daddy Pig: Of course not! He was very handsome like me. 当然不大了!他非常地英俊,就像我。 [handsome [ˈhænsəm] adj.英俊的; 有魅力的;]

Anyway, there was also a dragon! 除了他们,在城堡外有一只龙。

George: Dine-saw? 恐龙?

Daddy Pig: A dinosaur? 恐龙?

Oh, yes. it wasn't a dragon. It was a dinosaur! 哦,是的。那不是龙,那是一只恐龙.

Living outside was a huge, fierce, dinosaur. 住在城堡外的是只巨大、凶残的大恐龙。[fierce[fɪəs] adj.凶残的;]


George: Rooooaaaarr! 哇啊啊~~~

Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. 哦,天哪

Maybe the dinosaur wasn't quite that fierce, Daddy Pig? 可能那只恐龙也没有那么凶恶,是不是猪爸爸?

Daddy Pig: Sorry, George. No, the dinosaur was very gentle. 对不起,乔治,其实那是一只非常温和的恐龙。

It ate lots of grass. 它每天都要吃掉好多的草。


Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig! 猪爸爸。

Daddy Pig: Oh, sorry. I was being the dinosaur. 哦,抱歉。我假装自己是恐龙。

Peppa: Daddy, why is the princess called “The Sleepy Princess”? 爸爸,为什么这位公主要叫沉睡公主呢?

Daddy Pig: I'm coming to that. 我会讲到的。

You see, the sun Set. 你看,太阳下山了。

Then the stars and moon came out. And everyone got very sleepy. 星星和月亮升起来了,城堡里的每个人都变得很困。

But the most sleepy of all was the Sleepy Princess! 但是感到最困的,则是这一位沉睡公主。

Peppa,Are you sleepy? 佩奇,你觉得困了吗?

Peppa: No, Daddy! I am notsleepyat all. 没有爸爸,我一点都不觉得困。

Daddy Pig: But somebody is. 看起来有人困了。

Peppa: George! Wake up! You'll miss the end of the story! 乔治,快醒醒。你就要错过故事的结局了。

Daddy Pig: Well, Peppa might not be sleepy but the Sleepy Princess certainly was. 佩奇可能不困,但沉睡公主一定是困了。

Looking at herself all day in the mirror had completely worn her out. 她整天对着镜子看自己已经把她彻底地累坏了。[wear out 筋疲力尽 使疲乏]


King Daddy: Let's carry you to bed. 让我抱你去睡觉吧。

Goodnight! 晚安。

Daddy Pig: The Sleepy Princess was so sleepy. 我们的沉睡公主,她实在是太困了。

She had fallen fast asleep. 所以她很快就睡着了。[fall asleep 入睡 睡着]

Mummy Pig: Thank you for that story, King Daddy! 谢谢你的故事,国王爸爸。

Daddy Pig: You're welcome, Queen Mummy. 不用谢,王后妈妈。

Mummy Pig: And our little prince and princess enjoyed it, too! 我们的小王子和小公主很喜欢这个故事。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第36集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

George,do you want a story? Say “yes”!!

Yes. there is a little princess in it.

And she was called the Sleepy Princess.

Yes, she was very pretty! She loved looking at herself in the mirror.


1. I am not sleepy

佩奇在床上对猪爸爸和猪妈妈说I am not sleepy. 我还不困。

Sleepy困倦的。这个词非常实用,可以衍生出各种各样的实用句子。比如Are you sleepy? 你想睡觉了吗? I’m still sleepy. 我还想睡。还有You sleepyhead. 你这个小瞌睡虫,等等。


Rise and shine. You sleepy head.快起来了!你这个小瞌睡虫。

2.Look in the mirror

在猪爸爸的睡前故事里,Sleepy Princess瞌睡公主She loved looking at herself in the mirror. 她喜欢看镜子中的自己。

Look in the mirror. 照镜子。


爸妈:What’s on your face? Go look in the mirror.


3.The sun set.

猪爸爸说,You see, the sun set. Then the stars and moon came out. 你看,太阳下山了,星星和月亮出来了。

你可能对日落的名词非常熟悉,无非就是sunset。但是太阳下山了,怎么用动词来描述呢?The sun set.


4.Wear out

Looking at herself all day in the mirror had completely worn her out. 照了一整天的镜子,让她筋疲力尽。

Wear out 筋疲力尽的意思。

5.Let’s carry you to bed.

瞌睡公主在镜子前面困极了,国王爸爸说Let’s carry to bed. 我来把你抱上床去。



爸爸:Do you want Daddy to hold you? 你要爸爸抱吗?

The others in the castle were the small Prince, Queen Mummy and King Daddy!

Living outside was a huge, fierce, dinosaur.

Sorry, George. No, the dinosaur was very gentle. It ate lots of grass.


1、sleepy[ˈsliːpi] adj. 困乏的; 困倦的; 瞌睡的

例:a sleepychild打瞌睡的孩子

2、sleep v. 睡觉,入睡;n. 睡眠,睡眠时间

例:I had to sleep on the sofa. 我只得睡在沙发上。[动词]

How long can a human being go without sleep? 人不睡觉能活多久?[名词]

3、promise[ˈprɒmɪs] v.许诺; 承诺; 答应; 保证; n. 诺言; 许诺; 承诺;

promise to do sth. 承诺/答应去做某事

例: ‘Promise not to tell anyone!’ ‘I promise.’“保证不告诉别人!”“我保证。”

4、princess[ˈprɪnses] n. (尤指)公主; 王妃; (除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;

(受宠溺而自以为优越的)娇小姐; 大小姐;

5、castle[ˈkɑːsl] n. 城堡

例:He was riding on his horse looking for the castle. 他正骑着马寻找那座城堡。

6、prince[prɪns] n. 王子; 王孙; 亲王; (小国的)国王,王室男性成员; (某些欧洲国家的)贵族; (某一领域的)杰出人物,巨子,大王;

7、handsome[ˈhænsəm] adj.英俊的; 有魅力的;

8、fierce[fɪəs] adj.凶猛的; 猛烈的; 狂热的; 极不好的; 不友好的,

9、wear out 使精疲力竭; 使疲乏

10、fall asleep 入睡 睡着

Peppa,Are you sleepy?

No, Daddy! I am not sleepy at all.

But somebody is.

George! Wake up! You'll miss the end of the story!

Let's carry you to bed. Goodnight!

-The End-

