台词剧本 1-47 Mister Skinnylegs 瘦腿先生

非凡影视 欧美动漫 2023-02-02 19:07 16

摘要:This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第47话

47. Mister Skinnylegs 瘦腿先生

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Mister Skinnylegs 瘦腿先生

Children! It's nearly tea time, so you must wash your hands.

George's putting the dolls to bed. Night night!

Narrator: Peppa is playing with her doll's house. George is playing, too.佩奇在玩她的玩偶小屋,乔治也在玩。

Peppa is making a tea party for the doll family.佩奇要给玩偶之家开个茶会。

Peppa: Here, George! I'm the Mummy and Daddy.来吧,乔治!我来扮演妈妈和爸爸。

You can be the children. 你来扮演孩子们。

Children! It's nearly tea time, so you must wash your hands.孩子们!下午茶时间快到


Narrator: George's putting the dolls to bed. 乔治把玩偶放在床上。

George: Night night! 晚安!

Peppa: George, why are you putting the children to bed? 乔治,你为什么把孩子们都放在床上?

They're having a tea party.他们要开茶会了。

Narrator: George likes putting the dolls to bed.乔治喜欢把它们放在床上。

[put sb tobed安顿某人上床睡觉]

Peppa: Children, come down stairs right now or you won't get any cake! 孩子们,快下来,不然可就吃不到蛋糕了!

Narrator: George isn't listening. 乔治没在听。

He's too busyputting the dolls to bed. 他忙着把玩偶放到床上。

[be busy doing sth 忙着做某事] [put sb to bed安顿某人上床睡觉]

Peppa: George! If you want to play with my doll's house, you have to help with the tea party.乔治!如果你想和我的玩偶玩的话,你就得帮忙筹办茶会。

Here, George, you can fill the teapotwith water. 给你,乔治,你可以往茶壶里面灌水。

Children, come downstairs right now. 孩子们,现在都下楼来。

Mummy! We're coming! 妈妈!我们来了!

Narrator: George is going to fill the teapotwith water.乔治要把茶壶灌满水。

George: Oh. 喔

Narrator: George has found a spiderin the sink.乔治在水槽里发现了一只蛛蛛。

George wants the spider to be his friend. 乔治想要蛛蛛做他的朋友。

George: Oh! 哦!

Narrator: George likes the spider. 乔治喜欢蛛蛛。

The spider likes George. 蛛蛛也喜欢乔治。

Peppa loves playing tea parties.佩奇喜欢举办茶会。

Peppa: Where are all the chocolate biscuits, Daddy? 巧克力饼干都上哪儿去了,爸爸?

We had lots yesterday! 我们昨天还有很多的!

Oh, err, I'm sorry, Mummy, 哦,呃,对不起,妈妈,

I must have eaten them all. 一定是我昨天把它们吃了。

Naughty Daddy. 淘气的爸爸。

Narrator: George is putting the spider to bed. 乔治把蛛蛛放在床上。

George: Night night. 晚安。

Peppa: George, what is it you're doing? 乔治,你在干什么呢?

You have to help me with the tea party. 你得帮我筹办茶会才行。

Peppa: Araaa, araaa,Help, help! 啊啊!救命,救命!

Daddy! There's a spider in my bedroom!!爸爸!我的房间里有只蛛蛛!!

Daddy Pig: Don't worry, Peppa. 不用担心,佩奇。

Peppa: Please, Daddy, take it away. 求你了爸爸,把它拿走。

Daddy Pig: No need to panic. 你不用担心。

Hello, George, have you seen the spider? 你好,乔治,你见到蜘蛛了吗?

Peppa: It's too scary. Take it away. 那简直太吓人了,赶快把它拿走。

Daddy Pig: There's no need to be afraid, Peppa. 你没有必要这么害怕,佩奇。

Spiders are very, very small and they can't hurt you...蛛蛛都非常非常的小,他们不会伤害你。。。

But don't worry… 不用担心

Daddy will take it out of the bedroom. 爸爸会把它拿出卧室。

Woah! He's quite big, isn't he? 喔!他长得还挺大的啊,是不是?

Umm...I'll just fetch Mummy Pig. 呃 我下去叫妈妈上来。

Mummy Pig! 猪妈妈!

Peppa: Hello, Mr. Skinnylegs. 你好,瘦腿先生。

Narrator: Peppa feels a little bit braver. 佩奇现在没那么害怕了。

Peppa: He likes being in my doll's house. 它喜欢待在我的玩偶房子里。

Mummy Pig: Hello, children. 你们好,孩子们,

I hear you've found a little spider. 我听说你们发现了一只小蛛蛛。

I'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play. 我过来把它拿走,这样你们就能玩了。

Peppa: Mummy, his name is Mr. Skinnylegs. 妈妈,我给他取了个名字叫瘦腿先生。

Mummy Pig: Oh! Mr. Skinnylegs is big, isn't he? 哦!瘦腿先生个子挺大的是吧?

Narrator: Peppa and George like the spider. 佩奇和和乔治喜欢蛛蛛。

George: Night night. 晚安。

Peppa: No, George! He wants some tea.不要啊,乔治!他还想喝茶呢。

He doesn't want to be in bed.我猜它现在还不想睡觉。

Are you hungry, Mr. Skinnylegs? 你觉得饿不饿啊,瘦腿先生?

Would you like some cake? 想要吃些蛋糕吗?

Narrator: Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore. 佩奇现在不再害怕蛛蛛了。Peppa: Mummy, Daddy. Sit down. 妈妈爸爸,请坐下。

We're all going to have tea with Mr. Skinnylegs. 不如我们大家都来和瘦腿先生一起喝茶吧。

Who wants tea? 谁要喝茶?

Mummy Pig: Me, please! 我想喝!

Daddy Pig: Me, please! 我也想!

Delicious! 美味!

Narrator: Peppa loves playing tea parties. 佩奇喜欢筹办茶会。

Peppa: Here's your tea, Mr. Skinnylegs. 这是你的茶,瘦腿先生。

What's that? 说什么?

You want to say ''hello'' to my daddy? 你想和我爸爸打个招呼?

Hello, Mr. Daddy Pig! 你好,猪爸爸!

Daddy Pig: Heh, err, that's all right, Peppa. 嘿呃,可以了佩奇。

Let Mr. Skinnylegs drink his tea.. 让瘦腿先生喝茶吧。

Peppa: You're not scared, are you, Daddy? 你不觉得害怕吧,爸爸?

Daddy Pig: Oh, no, of course not...哦,不怕,当然不怕了…

Oh. Not so close. 喔,不要靠得太近。

Oooh! Ooofff! 哦~!喔~!

Narrator: Peppa likes Mr. Skinnylegs. 佩奇喜欢瘦腿先生,

Everyone likes Mr. Skinnylegs. 大家都喜欢瘦腿先生。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第47集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

George, why are you putting the children to bed? They're having a tea party.

Children, come down stairs right now or you won't get any cake!

If you want to play with my doll's house, you have to help with the tea party.

George has found a spider in the sink. George wants the spider to be his friend.

George likes the spider. The spider likes George.


1. Put … to bed

佩奇和乔治在玩娃娃屋,George’s putting the dolls to bed.乔治把娃娃们安顿入睡。

Put sb. to bed. 把谁安顿入睡。这里的somebody一般是指孩子或者家里的宠物。

这个句子很容易望文生义成“把谁放到床上”,但其实put to bed的意思更为广泛,它不仅包括了把孩子移动到床上这个动作,也包括了给孩子换上睡衣,盖上小被子等睡前准备工作。



爸妈:I’ll put you to bed.我来帮你入睡。

2. Help with

佩奇在跟玩偶玩下午茶派对的游戏,乔治却在让玩偶们睡觉,于是佩奇说If you want to play with my doll's house, you have to help with the tea party. 如果你想玩娃娃屋的话,你必须要来帮忙开下午茶派对。

Help with something. 帮助做什么事情。

Help (to) do something. 接动词

Help with something. 接名词


妈妈:Can you help mommy with the chores?


3. Take it away

乔治把蜘蛛放到了娃娃屋里,佩奇吓坏了,于是对猪爸爸说It’s too scary. Take it away. 它太吓人了,把他拿走。

Take sth. away,把什么东西拿走。

外卖的英文就是takeaway,带走吃的东西。点外卖就是order takeaway.

4. Fetch

猪爸爸看见蜘蛛非常大,也很害怕,于是说I’ll just fetch Mummy Pig. 我去找猪妈妈过来。


比如鹅妈妈童谣里面非常著名的Jack and Jill,里面就有这么一句Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water。这里的fetch就是到另一个地方去把水取回来的意思。

5. Skinny

佩奇给蜘蛛取了一个名字,叫做Mr. Skinnylegs. 细腿先生。


如果你去逛zara,H&M之类的店,会发现他们很多牛仔裤上面都会有一个写着Skinny的标签,意思就是紧身款。Skinny jeans紧身牛仔裤。

George is putting the spider to bed. Night night.

Araaa, araaa, Help, help!

Woah! He's quite big, isn't he? Umm...I'll just fetch Mummy Pig.


1、doll[dɒl] n.洋娃娃; 玩偶; 玩具娃娃;

例:People say she is beautiful and looks like a doll. 人们说她长得很漂亮,像个洋娃娃。

2、put sb tobed安排某人就寝; 打发某人睡觉;

例:I'll just put the kids to bed. 我这就安排孩子们去睡觉。

3、teapot[ˈtiːpɒt] n.茶壶

例:The boy broke the teapot. How annoying! 这男孩把茶壶打破了,真可气!

4、spider[ˈspaɪdər] n.蜘蛛

例:Are you afraid of spiders? 你怕蜘蛛吗?

5、sink[sɪŋk] n. (厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽;

例:Don't just leave your dirty plates in the sink! 别把脏盘子往洗碗槽里一放就不管了!

6、fetch[fetʃ] v. [尤英](去)拿来

指去取了某物或带上某人再返回原处,即一往一返,相当于 go and bring,但有时也可说 go and fetch,意思和 fetch 并无不同。

例:Please fetch me my coat. 请把我的大衣拿来。

Have you fetched the doctor? 你把医生接来了吗?

Let's go and fetch some water. 咱们去打点水来。

7、brave[breɪv] adj. 勇敢的; 无畏的;

例:brave men and women英勇无畏的男女;a brave decision有勇气的决定;

Be brave! 勇敢一些!

8、scare[sker] n. 恐慌; 惊吓; 恐惧; 惊恐; v. 惊吓; 害怕; 恐惧; 使害怕; 使恐惧; 受惊吓

例:You scared me. 你吓了我一跳。

scared[skerd] adj. 害怕的; 恐惧的; 畏惧的; 担心的;

例:She is scared of going out alone. 她不敢一个人外出。

a scared look惊恐的表情

No, George! He wants some tea. He doesn't want to be in bed.

Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore.

Who wants tea? Me, please!

-The End-

