台词剧本 1-44 The Playground 操场

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摘要:This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第44话

44. The Playground 操场

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

The Playground 操场

Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame.

Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.

Narrator: Peppa and George are at the playground with their friends. 佩奇和乔治和朋友们在游乐场里玩。

Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame. 小猫坎迪和小马佩德罗在玩攀登架。

Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide. 小羊苏西,小狗丹尼和小兔瑞贝卡在玩滑梯。

Peppa is playing on the swing. 佩奇在秋千上玩。

Peppa: Mummy, Mummy,push me! please! 妈妈,推我一下好不好?

Mummy Pig: Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

Peppa: Yes, I want to go really high. 是的, 我想荡得很高。

Higher, Mummy! 高点,妈妈。

Narrator: George wants to play on the swing. 乔治也想玩秋千。

Peppa: Now, it's your turn, George. 现在轮到乔治玩了。

Mummy Pig: Hold tight! 你抓紧了。

Peppa: I want to push George. 我想来推乔治。

Mummy Pig: Push George gently, Peppa. 你要轻点推,佩奇。

Peppa: Yes, Mummy. Hold tight, George! 好的,妈妈。抓紧了,乔治。

Narrator: Oh, dear! Peppa has pushed George too high! 哦糟糕,佩奇把乔治推得太高了。

George does not like being up high. 乔治不喜欢那么高。

Mummy Pig: Peppa! You know George is a bit scared of heights! 佩奇,你应该知道乔治他怕高。

Peppa: Sorry, George! 对不起了乔治。

Let's play on the climbing frame! 我们一起去玩攀登架吧。

Hello, Suzy! Hello, Danny! 你好啊,苏西。你好啊,丹尼。

Suzy and Danny: Hello, Peppa! 你好啊,佩奇。

Peppa: You are doing it all wrong! 你们这样做是错的。

This is the Proper way to swing across! 这才是正确的推秋千的方法。

Stand back! Ready, steady, go! 大家请往后站。准备,好了,走。

Look at me! I'm flying like a bird! 看看我,我像鸟儿一样飞起来了。

Oh! I can't get out! 哦,我出不来了。

Narrator: Peppa is stuck in the tire! 佩奇卡在轮胎里了。

[be stuck in 被卡在…地方]

Peppa: It's not funny! 这一点都不好笑。

Daddy Pig: Well, it does look a bit funny. 看上去确实有点好笑。

We'll have to pull you out. 我们必须把你拉出来。

Narrator: Peppa's friends are helping to free her. 佩奇的朋友们都来帮忙了。

[free v. 释放; 使解脱出来]

Friends: Hurry! 好。

Peppa: Thank you, everyone. 非常感谢大家。

Daddy Pig: George, do you want to play on the climbing frame? 乔治,你想不想玩攀登架?

Narrator: The climbing frame is quite high. 攀登架非常高。

George does not like being up high. 乔治不喜欢爬那么高。

Daddy Pig: Sorry, George. Let's play on the slide. 对不起,乔治,我们一起去玩滑梯吧。

Peppa: Yes! 好啊。

The slide! 玩滑梯。

Narrator: Peppa loves the slide. 佩奇喜欢玩滑梯。

Everyone loves the slide. 大家都喜欢。

Peppa: Mummy! Daddy! Look at me! Ready, steady go! 妈妈爸爸,看好了,准备好了,走。

Narrator: George wants to play on the slide. 乔治想爬上滑梯。

Daddy Pig: Are you sure, George? It is a bit high. 你确定吗乔治?这可有点高啊。

Alright, I'll help you up the steps. 好吧,我来帮你一下。

Narrator: Oh, dear! It is a bit too high for George. 哦,天哪。这对乔治来说有点高。

Daddy Pig: Don't cry, George. 别担心乔治。

I'll slide down with you. 我和你一起滑下去。

Peppa: Daddy,you're too big to go down the slide! 爸爸,你个子太大,是不可能滑下去的。

Daddy Pig: Don't be silly, Peppa, I'm not too big. 才不会呢佩奇。不会有问题的。

Stand back! Ready, steady, go! 往后站,准备,好了,走。

Narrator: Daddy Pig is stuck! 爸爸卡住了。


Daddy Pig: It's not funny! 有什么好笑的。

Peppa: It looks very funny, Daddy. 看起来非常地好笑,爸爸。

Daddy Pig: I suppose it is a bit funny. 我想也许真的很好笑。

Peppa: We'll have to push you down. 我们得把你推下去。

Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle! 爸爸的肚子就像一个充气城堡。

Narrator: George loves bouncing on Daddy's tummy. 乔治喜欢在爸爸的肚子上跳。

George isn't afraid of heights anymore! 乔治再也不怕高了。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第44集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

Mummy, Mummy,Push me! please!

Higher, Mummy!

it's your turn, George. Hold tight! I want to push George. Push George gently, Peppa.

Oh, dear! Peppa has pushed George too high! George does not like being up high.

Sorry, George! Let's play on the climbing frame!


1. 在儿童乐园玩耍的亲子英语

1. Let’s play on …

佩奇对乔治说,Let’s play on the climbing frame! 我们到攀爬架上去玩吧。

同样的句型可以拓展为Let’s play on the swing秋千/slide滑梯/rocking horse摇摇马等等。

2. Hold tight.

乔治坐在了秋千上,猪妈妈对他说Hold tight!抓紧了。


3. Push me.

佩奇要猪妈妈推她,她说Push me. Please.


4. Push gently.

佩奇要去推乔治,猪妈妈说Push George gently。轻轻的推,或者推的时候温柔一点。

如果是使劲推,又怎么说呢?Push me hard. I want to go really high. 使劲推,我想荡得高高的。

2. The proper way

佩奇指着攀爬架上的轮子说,This is the proper way to swing across. 这才是从这边荡到那边的正确方式。


Do you play with the proper rules or the baby rules? 你想用标准规则玩,还是用宝宝规则玩?

Silly Daddy! You must have a proper guess.迷糊爸爸,你得猜得靠谱一点。


Brush your teeth properly.好好刷牙。

Sit properly.坐好。


3. Ready, steady, go

佩奇要用轮胎荡过去了,她说Ready, steady, go! 预备,开始!

Ready, steady, go. 本来是比赛里面说的预备,跑!但是这句话也广泛的应用在生活之中。

4. Stuck

Peppa is stuck in the tire. 佩奇被卡在轮胎里面了。

be stuck in卡在…地方了。

Hello, Suzy! Hello, Danny!

You are doing it all wrong! This is the proper way to swing across!

Look at me! I'm flying like a bird!

Oh! I can't get out! Peppa is stuck in the tire!

We'll have to pull you out. Peppa's friends are helping to free her.


1、playground[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] n. (尤指学校或公园中的)游戏场,游乐场; 操场; (某些集体聚会游乐的)园地,天地,活动场所;

例:Sam pushed me over in the playground. 萨姆在运动场上把我推倒了。

The girls were skipping in the playground. 姑娘们在操场上跳绳。

2、climbing frame[ˈklaɪmɪŋ freɪm] n. (儿童游乐设施)攀爬架,[英式英语];

=Jungle gym[ˈdʒʌŋɡl dʒɪm] n. (儿童游乐设施)攀爬架, [美式英语].

例:The children enjoy playing on their climbing frame. 儿童喜欢玩攀缘架。

She fell off the jungle gym and broke her arm. 她从攀登架上摔了下来,弄断了胳膊。

The jungle gym in the playground is high. 操场上的攀登架很高。

3、slide[slaɪd] n. 滑梯

例:to go down the slide溜滑梯

Some children are playing on the slide. 有些孩子在玩滑梯。

4、swing[swɪŋ] n.秋千

例:The kids were playing on the swings. 孩子们在荡秋千。

You can see a swing and a slide in my garden. 在花园里,你可以看到一个秋千和一个滑梯。

5、be scared of 害怕

Oh, don't be scared of them. 哦,别怕他们

6、tire [ˈtaɪər] n. 轮胎

例:to check your tire pressure检查轮胎气压

7、pull out 拔出

例:I get some grey hairs but I pull them out. 我有几根白发,但我都拔掉了。

Pull the plug out. 把插头拔掉。

8、free v. 释放; 使解脱出来

例:She struggled to free herself. 她挣扎着以求脱身。

9、slide down 滑下来

例:The boys like to slide down banisters. 男孩喜欢顺着栏杆往下滑。

Jump and slide down! 跳滑下来!

10、push down 推下去,推倒

例:We'll have to push you down. 我们得把你推下去。

11、bounce[baʊns] v. 上下跳动,蹦跳; 弹起,反弹

例:She bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。

12、bouncy [ˈbaʊnsi] adj. 弹性好的;有反弹力的;

例:Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle! 爸爸的肚子就像一个充气城堡。

13、height [haɪt] n. 高,高度

例:Please state your height and weight. 请说明身高和体重。

She worries about her height. 她为个子太高而烦恼。

Peppa loves the slide. Mummy! Daddy! Look at me! Ready, steady go!

Oh, dear! It is a bit too high for George.

Daddy,you're too big to go down the slide! Don't be silly, Peppa, I'm not too big.

Daddy Pig is stuck! It's not funny!

We'll have to push you down.


1、Sandbox[ˈsændbɒks] n. (供儿童玩的)沙坑;

例:There were pictures of the two of them playing in a sandbox with sand all over them. 照片里的他们一起在沙坑里玩耍,身上盖满了沙子。

2、climbing n. 登山运动,攀岩活动

例:Chris has just taken up climbing. 克里斯刚开始从事登山运动。

a climbing accident登山事故

3、seesaw[ˈsiː sɔː] n.跷跷板

There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

The children are playing at seesaw. 孩子们在玩跷跷板。

Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle! George loves bouncing on Daddy's tummy.

-The End-

