金球奖得主发言Adrien Brody Wins Best Male Actor

非凡影视 欧美明星 2025-01-08 09:45 16

摘要:Thank you, everyone in this room and the Golden Globes voters, for this honor. I'm deeply humbled by this. I have much to say; I'm

观看视频点击:金球奖最佳男主感言Adrien Brody Wins Best Male Actor


Thank you, everyone in this room and the Golden Globes voters, for this honor. I'm deeply humbled by this. I have much to say; I'm going to try and be brief.

At the core of The Brutalist, it's really a story about the human capacity for creation. So, I'd be remiss to not acknowledge my fellow nominees: Daniel Coleman, Timmy, Sebastian Sebastian, Rafe. You guys really just—you reach such heights with your work, and you are such inspirations to me.

To my, god, Brady and Mona, I love you guys. Thank you for giving me wings. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of building this triumph and monument to humanity and the arts.

To my cast and crew and everyone who has been a part of making this movie, this is a collaborative effort, and I share this with all of you.

To my friends and team at CAA, Andrew Sules, Lindsey Gallen, you guys. A24, thank you for supporting me through this journey.

To my mom and dad, who are here tonight—oh my goodness—you always hold me up. I often credit my mother for her influence on me as an artist, but Dad, you are the foundation of this family, and all this love that I receive flows back to you.

To my beautiful and amazing partner, Georgina: your generosity of spirit, your own resilience, your immense creativity are a daily reminder of how to be. I would not be standing here before you if it wasn't for you.

There was a time, not too long ago, that I felt this may never be a moment afforded to me again. So thank you.

And you know, this story—this character's journey—is very reminiscent of my mother's and my ancestral journey of fleeing the horrors of war and coming to this great country. I owe so much to my mother and my grandparents for their sacrifice.

And although I do not know fully how to express all of the challenges that you have faced and experienced, and the many people who have struggled immigrating to this country, I hope that this work stands to lift you up a bit and to give you a voice.

I am so grateful. I will cherish this moment forever. Thank you.

