妮可·基德曼 好莱坞最佳女性领导奖 获奖感言

非凡影视 欧美明星 2024-12-16 21:16 15

摘要:好吧,我仍然需要适应这一点, 所以我非常擅长写剧本, 但不太擅长演讲, 但我现在会在我女儿面前尽我所能。

Eek okay I still got to get comfortable with this so I'm very good at having a script not so good at giving speeches but I'm going to do my best right now in front of my daughter who is here.

呃,好吧,我仍然需要适应这一点, 所以我非常擅长写剧本, 但不太擅长演讲, 但我现在会在我女儿面前尽我所能。

Firstly, thank you Laura Dern who is my girlfriend but also my confidant who has been privy to so much in my life and has supported me and shown me incredible sisterhood.

首先,感谢劳拉·邓恩, 她是我的女朋友, 也是我的知己, 她了解我生活中的很多事情, 一直支持我, 让我感受到不可思议的姐妹情谊。

And off we go.


We've got things in our future together.


Also, thank you to the Hollywood Reporter team, to Mare and Rebecca and Curtis, and welcome Shirley.

另外, 感谢好莱坞报道团队、梅尔、丽贝卡和柯蒂斯,欢迎雪莉。

And now, to Sherry Lansing.

现在, 请雪莉·兰辛发言。





This is an extraordinary full circle because, let me get this here, when I first came to America, I stepped off the plane and I came into the office of Sherry Lansing.

这是一个非凡的完整循环, 因为,让我来告诉大家,当我第一次来到美国时,我一下飞机, 就来到了雪莉·兰辛的办公室。

The first executive I met was Sherry.

我见到的第一位高管是雪莉 (Sherry)。

And it was extraordinary because I was nervous, intimidated, wondering what my future was as a young actress coming over from Australia and suddenly there was this woman who was real and interested and had seen my work.

这是很特别的, 因为我很紧张,很害怕,不知道作为一个从澳大利亚来的年轻女演员, 我的未来会怎样, 突然间就有了这个真实的女人, 她对我感兴趣, 并且看过我的作品。

Which was minimal at that time, but had seen it and talked to me just like I was, that I had, that I deserved to be there.


And that is what she is capable of.


It's why she's existed in this industry for so long and continues to give, give, give.

这就是为什么她能在这个行业存在这么久, 并且不断付出、付出、再付出。

So can I just say, Sherry Lansing, we love you.

所以我只想说,雪莉·兰辛, 我们爱你。



She has been this industry's mentor and she has helped us and shown us that we can do it and we will and we need not stop because it hasn't been done before.

她一直是这个行业的导师, 她帮助我们, 向我们展示我们可以做到, 我们会做到, 而且我们不需要停下来, 因为以前没有人做过。

So I think what I'm interested in talking about today is that yes, this is a leadership award but it's Really important to acknowledge that this is about mentorship, good mentors, and being mentored.

所以我认为我今天感兴趣的是, 是的,这是一个领导力奖, 但真正重要的是要承认,这与指导、好的导师和被指导有关。

And that's what Sherry's given all of us.


It's what she gave me.


And I remember Kevin and I were talking about this, Kevin Huvane, my agent, 30 years and counting.

我记得我和凯文谈论过这件事,凯文·胡瓦内是我的代理人,他已经 30 年了。

But he said to me, we've worked together many times, Sherry, but he said, remember when the hours was going to Was meant to be getting made, and then we lost a lot of the money.

但是他对我说,雪莉, 我们已经合作过很多次了,但是他说,记得当时我们本来应该花很多时间去制作,但是后来我们损失了很多钱。

And Sherry was like, no, I'm standing by you, and I'm going to make this film with three female leads.

雪莉说,不, 我支持你,我要拍这部有三位女主角的电影。

That was not a sure thing.


It was a small film about unusual subject matter.


And she stepped up to the plate, and she did it.

她勇敢地承担了责任, 并且她做到了。

So it's not talk, it's doing this.

所以这不是说说而已, 而是做事。

And the hours, for me, changed my life.

而这些时间,对我来说, 改变了我的生活。



That's mentorship in action.


So I also want to acknowledge the previous winners of this award.


Adele, Charlize, Reese, Viola, Meryl, Barbara, Oprah, None of these women.


You have to use their last names.


None of them.


So they are definitely leaders.


And the women that I have been lucky, some of those women on that list, I've been lucky to share a set with, a makeup trailer with, or see them from afar.


But some of them have become my dearest and closest friends.


And I have sought them out when I've been grieving.

当我悲伤的时候, 我就会去寻找他们。

I've sought them out when I have been struggling.

当我遇到困难时, 我就会去寻找他们。

I've sought them out when I am depressed.

当我心情低落时, 我就会去寻找他们。

And they have shown up for me and continue to guide me and push me and say the future is bright and the future is there.

他们出现在我面前, 继续指导我、推动我, 告诉我未来是光明的, 未来就在那里。

So I want to say thank you to them.


And then I've had the privilege to work with some of the young, young, young emerging talent and I've also had the ability to be able to use whatever power I've been given now through the generosity of people in this room and pass it on.

然后我有幸与一些年轻的新兴人才一起工作, 并且我也能够利用现在在座的各位慷慨赋予我的权力并将其传递下去。

And Helena Raine here is one of those emerging powerful voices.

海伦娜·雷恩 (Helena Raine) 就是其中一位新兴的强大声音。

She directed Baby Girl and she's standing here today and I am lucky to have worked with her but I'm just happy I get to share some of the power that I've been given and I can pass it forward.

她是《宝贝女孩》的导演, 今天她站在这里, 我很幸运能与她合作, 但我很高兴能够分享我所赋予的一些力量, 并将其传递下去。

So now I'm also going to say my daughter is here and last night, in the name of trying to do it all, I was at the choir concert watching her sing.

所以现在我还要说我的女儿在这里, 昨晚,为了尽力而为,我在合唱团音乐会上看她唱歌。

We then got on a plane and we came here and I started crying because my mama loved choir and she loved education and so suddenly it was three months down the track from losing her but I'm seeing my daughter stand there with her whole future ahead of her and then she's getting on a plane coming with me and she was my mentor because I broke down with her and she said it's okay mama you're going to be okay.

然后我们乘飞机来到这里, 我开始哭泣, 因为我的妈妈热爱合唱团, 她热爱教育, 突然间,距离失去她已经过去了三个月, 但我看到我的女儿站在那里, 她的整个未来就在眼前, 然后她和我一起乘飞机来到这里, 她是我的导师, 因为我和她崩溃了, 她说没关系妈妈, 你会没事的。

And she's showing up with me here today, and even though I don't have my mama anymore, I have my daughters.


And I know I'm talking about all the devastation, but I'm sure everyone in this room knows that's probably when you need your friends and your mentors the most.


And he has encouraged me to move forward, to believe in my talent, and he has believed in me when I never believed in myself.

他鼓励我继续前进,相信我的才华,当我不相信自己的时候, 他相信我。

So, thank you, because I'm still standing and moving forward.

所以, 谢谢你, 因为我仍然站立着, 继续前进。

So, so importantly, reach out today when you leave this room and mentor someone.

因此, 非常重要的是, 当你离开这个房间时, 伸出援手并指导某人。

Because you have no idea what it means when you get that support and that guidance from somebody else.


And there's so many powerful people in this room.


So, reach out, show that support, mentor someone well, because the world will reap the benefits.

因此, 伸出援手, 表示支持,好好指导别人,因为世界将从中受益。

And you may impact a life in the same way that Sherry Lansing impacted mine.

你可能会对别人的生活产生影响, 就像雪莉·兰辛影响我的生活一样。

Thank you.


